Classes started yesterday. It's an OLLI@Berkeley course about the first decade of the Roberts Court and its free speech decisions. I'm teaching it to a lively group of senior citizens at the snazzy library in Lafayette. Tuesdays from 10:00 to noon.
Today I was on a panel at the conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The panel addressed Privacy, the Right of Publicity, and Free Speech in the Digital Age. My fellow panelists were Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Peter Scheer of the First Amendment Coalition, and Cathy Gellis, an Internet lawyer who was my student back in 1993. Ashley Messenger, counsel for NPR, moderated.
Classes started yesterday at UCBerkeley, and my updated course on Freedom of Speech and the Press meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30-11:00. Cal is recording and webcasting all the lectures, and they are available on YouTube. If you search YouTube, look for Media Studies 104A. Here's the link to the first lecture:
This fall I'm teaching a seminar, First Amendment "Good Reads," at OLLI@Berkeley. The students will read seminal free speech opinions, getting what the Supreme Court thinks and decides "from the horse's mouth."
Today I gave an interview on WCCO radio, the CBS affiliate in Minneapolis. The subject was the recent report by Reporters without Borders on world press freedom. The report demoted the U.S. ranking from 33d to 46th. Sobering. Largely due to recent U.S. government attempts to contain and punish leaks and leakers (convicting Bradley Manning, charging Edward Snowden, subpoenaing reporters like James Risen
Fifty years after the Free Speech Movement was born, and close to its birthplace, I'm teaching Freedom of Speech and the Press at UCBerkeley. Classes have begun. This year I'm making a (quixotic?) attempt to help the students write better -- five papers this semester.
I gave an interview in the Harvard Law & Policy Review. Here's the link: I'm teaching a new course at OLLI at Berkeley this fall. It's "Free Speech in the 21st Century." The class meets on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 at Freight & Salvage in downtown Berkeley. Here are links to the course description, a brief YouTube presentation I made about the course, and a link to OLLI registration. Course page:
Video link: Registration link: |
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